10 Helpful Tips for Starting a Daily Meditation Habit

Start a Meditation Habit

Daily meditation provides a moment of pause amidst the busy schedules and fast-paced world we live in. Having a one-year-old means that moments for myself are hard to come by. And being pregnant makes those rare moments even more essential. It took years for the habit to stick, but lately daily meditation has become an incredibly important part of my morning. It’s the one time of the day I know is just for me. A time that makes me feel like my body is my own and allows me to focus on myself. And provides a peaceful moment to focus on my new baby as well. If you’re looking to start (or restart) a meditation habit, I hope you will find these ten meditation tips helpful for building your own routine.

1. Choose a Comfortable Spot for Daily Meditation

You can stand, sit on the ground, sit in a chair, lie on your bed, or lie flat on the ground. The most important thing is that you are comfortable and in a quiet, peaceful space.

Choose the position that makes you feel the most comfortable and able to relax. I usually sit criss-cross in a chair in my living room. Or with my feet firmly planted on the ground. But sometimes I also choose to sit on the ground, lie in bed, or lie flat on the floor. I keep it flexible based on how I’m feeling and that helps me look forward to my meditation practice each day.

2. Gather What You Need

It’s much easier to meditate if you have everything you need in your meditation spot. You don’t really need anything, but you might want to choose a few things to make your practice more enjoyable. Consider using pillows, soft blankets, a candle, good smells, or a meditation pillow.

I keep a few things in my daily meditation space – a notepad, pencil, my favorite candle, a rechargable lighter, a cozy blanket, a book of poetry, and this book. It helps to have everything already set up when I wake up in the morning.

3. Tidy Your Daily Meditation Spot

If the area around me is messy, I’m distracted. My thoughts wander to where to find the match to the shoe in the corner, the baby toys everywhere, and my never ending to do list. I intentionally chose a spot that I can keep clean. It is also the place in the house I find the most calming.

Every night, I quickly tidy the room and set out the things I need the next morning for meditating if they aren’t already in place.

4. Prioritize Consistency

Pick a time and a place for daily meditation and try to keep it consistent. It’s much easier to maintain a habit when it’s part of your routine. So think about your schedule and decide where meditation best fits in your day.

I chose to meditate first thing in the morning because it helps me prepare for the day. I like to sit in a chair next to the big window in my main living space. Right after I brush my teeth and get a glass of water, I light a candle, grab my favorite blanket, and quietly sit in my spot (no one else is awake yet).

I used to try meditating after getting ready and doing morning tasks, but there was always too much going on. Now I wake up before anyone else and meditate right away to avoid interruption. Doing the same thing each day has helped me look forward to this time and maintain the habit.

5. Brain Dump First

Before meditating, grab a pen and paper and take a few minutes to write down all your thoughts, feelings, to dos, and worries. This will help free up mental space while meditating. You don’t need to remember to call the pediatrician, you already wrote it down.

I keep a notepad and pencil next to the chair where I meditate. I spend 2-3 minutes before meditating to fill up the pad with random thoughts and tasks. My thoughts still wander, but far less than they would if I didn’t brain dump first.

6. Try a Guided Meditation

There are so many great sources for guided meditations. I’ve used a handful, but my favorite right now is the Feel Better by Deliciously Ella app. I pay a small fee each month for the recipes, meditations, and fitness videos, but it’s worth it to me right now. I love the guided meditations and short 5 minute affirmation meditations.

7. Keep it Short

I’ve tried a handful of guided meditations, but I tend to avoid meditating when I see “20 minute beginner’s meditation” or “15 minute morning meditation.” It’s a challenge to squeeze a meditation in before the family wakes up and I usually don’t have that kind of time.

But then I read this article that recommends setting aside just three to five minutes each day for meditation. I do have three to five minutes. Suddenly this unattainable chore became something I can actually accomplish. And enjoy.

Some days, I make it a little longer. Some days I barely make it to three minutes. But by keeping the meditation short, I am actually able to stay consistent and ground myself for the day ahead.

8. Choose an Affirmation

Think of a simple affirmation that will help ground you while meditating. Focusing on an affirmation helps redirect your thoughts as needed. It also sets an intention for your day. If you find your mind wandering, simply take a few deep breaths and repeat the affirmation whenever it’s needed.

Here are a few simple, easy to remember affirmations I’ve used:

  • “I will follow my bliss.”
  • “I am enough.”
  • “In me, I trust.”
  • “Everything I need is within me.”
  • “I love myself, I believe in myself, I support myself.”
  • “I accept and love myself unconditionally.”
  • “I believe in my limitless potential.”

9. Gently Guide Your Thoughts

Thoughts will pop up, and that’s ok. For me, it’s always all the things I need to do. But when your mind wanders, don’t get frustrated. Avoid judgement or forcefully changing your thoughts. Just try not to let the thought take control of your mind.

Calmly acknowledge the thought and gently guide your mind back to your meditation with breathing and an affirmation. Take slow, deep breaths into your belly. During belly breaths, your stomach should rise on the inhale. Focus on your breath and repeat your affirmation to get back on track.

10. Practice Micro-Meditations During the Day

Aside from your scheduled daily meditation time, consider practicing micro-meditations throughout the day to find a moment of peace wherever you are. Micro-meditations can take many forms including breathwork, affirmations, visualization, or simply being present in the moment through mindfulness.

Think about when you feel the most present and calm during your day. This may be while sitting in the grass outside, weeding the garden, drinking your morning coffee or tea, taking a hot bath, listening to peaceful music, cooking, reading to your kids, or taking a walk. Intentionally begin to practice mindfulness during these moments.

I also find micro-meditations helpful during moments of anxiety. If I finish a difficult phone call, get stuck in traffic, or have a tough mom moment, taking even thirty seconds to breath, repeat an affirmation, or visualize a happy place can have a huge impact.

Do you have any tips for starting a meditation habit? Have you found any benefits from meditating? Share your experience in comments!

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