My Third Trimester To-Do List to Prepare for Baby #2

My Third Trimester To-Do List to Prepare for Baby #2 |

I was so prepared during the third trimester of my first pregnancy. I had all the to-do lists written and all the baby stuff organized and ready to go. This time, I’ve been way more relaxed. And I’m so focused on my toddler that pregnancy to-do lists haven’t been a priority. Now that I’m several weeks into my third trimester, I’m feeling the urgency and have finally entered nesting mode. My third trimester to-do list looks a little different with my second baby than it did with my first. I already own most of the things I need for a newborn, but I need spend time getting organized. Here are the important things on my third trimester to-do list that I’ll be prioritizing the next few weeks. I thought I’d share in case it’s helpful in writing your own third trimester to-do list. Please share in comments anything I should add to this list as a future mom to two under two!

Personal To-Do List

Prioritize self-care This is first on the list because I constantly need the reminder. It’s so easy to forget about basic self care. Drink water, rest, take walks, relax.

Set up my postpartum care team – With my first pregnancy, I had no idea there were so many postpartum resources that could support me during this time. I want to get appointments and specialists set up before delivering this time. I wrote a post about creating a postpartum care team here.

Plan a date night Things are about to get a lot busier so it’s important to take a moment to reconnect, celebrate, and enjoy a leisurely night out as a couple before life changes.

Order a new baby bookI love the baby book I have for my older daughter. I’m going to order a second copy and complete the pregnancy sections so it’s ready to fill in. Which also reminds me, I need to update my toddler’s baby book as well!

Finalize the baby’s name We still need to finalize baby’s full name. This is at the top of our list!

Get my hair cut and colored I remember how difficult it was to break away for hair appointments those first few months after having a baby. I want to get all my appointments booked ASAP.

Plan ahead for workI plan to unplug and enjoy family time after having a baby. But I still want to keep up with blog posts and work. This next month I’ll get organized so I’m ready to disconnect when the time comes.

Order gifts for the next few months This month I’m going to take care of all birthday gifts and cards for my first month postpartum so I have one less thing to think about.

Spend quality time with my toddler I worry about how bringing a new baby home will impact my toddler. The next few months I’m looking forward to spending quality time together just the two of us. I’ll also set up some routines that will make her feel more comfortable with all the upcoming changes.

Take some maternity photos – I’m not planning on having a professional take maternity photos, but I do want to capture a few special family moments during my third trimester.

Find a photographer for newborn photos I haven’t found a new family photographer since we moved. I treasure the newborn photos I have of my daughter. I need to find someone who will take similarly authentic and candid newborn photos this time as well.

Take care of the dogs I don’t want to worry about the dogs when we have a newborn. I’m going to schedule any needed vet appointments, pick up their medications, and get the dogs groomed. I’ll also set up dog walking and boarding services just in case.

Download all the apps I’ll need I’m going to download a contraction timer on my phone and my husband’s phone. I also want to set up a baby tracking app so it’s ready to go. Last time I used this app.

Hospital To-Do List

Install the car seat We have a Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat with two bases from our last baby that we need to dig out of the basement and install in our cars. We thought about upgrading because the carrier is pretty heavy. But the car seat we have hasn’t expired yet, so we’ll probably just stick with it for now.

Register at the hospitalSomething that takes no time at all, but I keep putting off. I need to go online and register at the hospital where I’m giving birth. I want to see if there is a virtual tour and learn more about the hospital policies for visitors. I’m also planning to do a quick visit so I know where to go and where to park.

Pack my hospital bag Aside from a baby outfit, my Boppy nursing pillow, some toiletries, and a toothbrush, I use most of the items that I’m bringing to the hospital daily. So currently there’s not very much I can pack. I’m going to set aside a designated bag with a packing list. When the time comes, I’ll just quickly throw everything in the bag and go.

Prepare for labor Last time I took a basic class and learned a few breathing strategies. During labor, the nurses told me my techniques were wrong and taught me a new approach that was much better. Sadly, I can’t remember exactly what I learned last time. I want to research a few new techniques for getting through contractions to give me more options.

Finalize plan A and plan B for childcareLast time we only had to plan care for our dogs when I was in labor. It will be a little different this time with a toddler! I need to finalize our plans for childcare and set up a plan B just in case.

Gather postpartum supplies and order what I need – There were a lot of postpartum supplies I didn’t use during my first postpartum experience because I spent all my time in the NICU. This time I’m hoping to have time for a little more postpartum self-care. I need to gather what I have left over from last time. And make a list of what I still need to pick up.

Write a general birth plan My first pregnancy taught me that I shouldn’t get too attached to my birth plan. But I still want to reflect on what I would like to happen under ideal circumstances. That way I’m prepared for the best case scenario.

Reach out to our pediatrician The one thing I actually already crossed off my third trimester to-do list! I let my current pediatrician know we are expecting a new baby. We will just need to call the office when she is born.

Nursing & Feeding To-Do List

Call my insurance company I will ask my insurance company about ordering a new pump and let them know we are expecting a baby. I’ll also ask about postpartum services that are covered by insurance, including lactation services.

Order a new pump I currently have the Medela Pump In Style (fully covered by insurance) and I need to check it’s condition. I may order new membrames and tubing for my current pump or order a new pump. Last time I regretted not upgrading to a cordless hands-free pump. I want to find out what my options are with my current insurance so I can decide.

Organize pumping and feeding supplies so I can order what’s missing – Milk storage bottles, freezer bags, sterilizing bags, extra pumping parts, pumping bra, bottles, newborn bottle nipples – all the things I need to find and wash or restock so I can get organized. I have no idea where I will fit everything. I’ll also need to do some kitchen cabinet rearranging.

Stock up on snacks for breastfeeding Quick one-handed snacks like granola bars are my go-to.

Get formula I want to be prepared for all feeding scenarios when we bring baby home from the hospital. I’ll buy one can of formula and a few ready-to-feed formula bottles.

Baby Gear & Nursery To-Do List

Finish the nursery We’re switching all the bedrooms around and setting up the nursery in a larger bedroom for both girls. Luckily, our newborn won’t sleep in the nursery for a while. So this isn’t an essential task on my third trimester to-do list. But I do want to have her crib and closet set up. After I unpack all the boxes of newborn baby gear, I can get everything organized in the new nursery.

Wash burp cloths, Boppy covers, newborn clothes, and swaddles Time to pull all my newborn gear out of storage! Everything’s been packed away and recently moved across the country. I need to wash everything before organizing and stocking the nursery.

Clean and set up the bassinet We picked up a used bassinet that is currently in our basement. I need to give it a thorough cleaning and order some new sheets so it’s ready to go.

Get a few new toys for my toddlerI want a few things on hand to entertain my toddler as I get used to life with two under two. I just picked up this Montessori busy board used on Marketplace. But I’m still looking for a few more open-ended, independent, and entertaining activities to keep her busy that first month.

Set up a play area in each room where I will be nursing My biggest concern with two under two is keeping my toddler safe and entertained while I’m nursing. My plan is to set up books and activities in each room. I’m hoping this actually works!

Order the double stroller conversion kit I plan on using our current Mockingbird stroller with the bassinet for my newborn with the second seat kit for my toddler. This is something I want to have ready to go for outings and walks.

Buy the seasonal baby gear I didn’t need last timeFirst I had a summer baby and now I’m having a winter baby. I don’t have any winter gear in newborn or 0-3 sizes. This is a high priority on my third trimester to-do list! I plan on dressing my newborn in mostly soft footed onesies. But I need to buy a winter hat, a one piece cozy fleece bunting, and a thick stroller blanket to keep her warm.

Get a box of newborn diapers Time to buy newborn diapers for the nursery and diaper bag! I’ll start out with just one box of diapers until we know the exact size we need.

Household To-Do List

Baby-proof the houseOur house is almost completely baby-proofed already. But there are a few pieces of furniture we still need to secure and rearrange. If I get distracted with our newborn, I’ll feel much calmer knowing my toddler is safe in every room of the house.

Stock up on household essentials – I want all the basics on hand so we don’t need to run out last minute. Paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, cleaning supplies, and pantry staples are my priorities.

Stock the freezer with meals – Lately I’ve been making double batches of recipes so I can freeze half. I’m slowly stocking our basement deep freezer with some healthy meals for the postpartum period. A few of my favorite freezer meals are stuffed peppers, bolognese pasta sauce, chili, mac and cheese, and soups.

Set up easy to follow systems We may have more family and friends around to help this time with our toddler and dogs. I want to make sure the house is organized and set up with easy systems for the tasks others may help with (feeding the dogs, changing diapers, doing dishes, etc).

Clean the house The house doesn’t need to be spotless, but I want to cross some cleaning tasks off my list now so there’s less to do later.

Set up the guest room – Our guest room needs to be cleaned, organized, and ready to go in case someone needs to stay overnight with my toddler when I’m in the hospital.

What would you add to my third-trimester to-do list? Share in comments!

P.S. My favorite newborn essentials, the best books I read while pregnant, and my top pregnancy essentials.

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