7 Sustainable Ways to Reduce Takeout Waste

Sustainable Takeout Strategies | meghanjune.com

Motherhood can be all-consuming and adding the responsibility of living sustainably to my plate often feels just too overwhelming. But it also feels good to prioritize aspects of my identity that are not baby-focused. My solution has been to focus on one manageable sustainable lifestyle change at a time. I feel like I am doing my part for the planet and not taking on too much.

As a new parent needing easy to-go meals, I have become aware of how much waste we create by ordering takeout. Takeout meals can be a lifesaver. But every time I pick up my food, I feel a twinge of guilt. I know all that plastic is so bad for the environment. Realistically, I am still going to pick up takeout meals, but I wanted to find ways to live more sustainably by minimizing the takeout waste we create. If you have faced a similar dilemma, I hope these tips will help you make your own takeout experience more sustainable.

Does takeout waste really have an environmental impact?

Yes! The Environmental Protection Agency released some frighting statistics. Food, packaging, straws, and cups make up 45% of landfills and 269,000 tons of plastic in the oceans. This packaging also contributes to 15% of the earth’s methane emissions. Beverage packaging alone accounts for 26% of garbage found in the ocean. Yikes! Here are seven ideas for reducing takeout waste and living sustainably.

8 sustainable ways to reduce takeout waste

1. Say No to Plastic Utensils

Disposable utensils almost always end up in landfills due to their size, shape, and the plastics used to make them. When placing your order on the app, website, or phone, share that you do not need utensils. If you are eating on the go, you can keep a reusable utensil set in your bag or car. I love this bamboo set. Wooden utensils, like chopsticks, are the best disposable option because they can be composted, but reusable is always the better option. Personally, this was the easiest way for me to start being more sustainable with takeout.

2. Use Your Own Condiments

You probably already have ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, and other condiments in your fridge at home. Plus, the restaurant usually sends you home with more than you can use. By omitting these little packets from your order at a restaurant, you are producing less waste. When you place your order, just leave a note in the comments that you do not need condiments.

3. Bring Your Own Container

I have not tried this one yet – it requires a little more organization than I currently have. But I do think it is a great idea. When you place an order, consider asking if you can bring your own carryout bag or container. Or place the order in person and ask to put the food in your own container when it’s ready. If you feel uncomfortable asking, you can order your food to eat at the restaurant and they plate it on a regular plate for you to just transfer to your own container. Some restaurants will not accommodate personal containers because it slows things down or isn’t as sanitary. But the more people that ask, the more common it will become. Some restaurants are even beginning to use reusable packaging for to go food to reduce takeout waste, like DeliverZero and Bold Reuse.

4. Dispose of Containers Correctly

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I find recycling correctly really complicated and confusing sometimes. I have learned that if containers are covered with food when you throw them in the recycling bin, they may be rejected by the recycling facility. So take the time to remove all visible food (grease is probably ok) from the takeout cartons, pizza boxes, or foam containers.

Also pay attention to what the packaging is made of. It may look like plastic, but actually be bioplastic, which should be put in the trash. Containers are often made of bioplastic if you see the words “made from plants” or “eco-friendly.”

5. Choose Organic

Some takeout restaurants offer organic fruits, vegetables, and meats. By choosing organic, you are supporting agriculture that meets certain standards that are better for the environment, including soil quality, the treatment of animals, and the use of pesticides, fertilizer, and hormones.

6. Support Sustainable Restaurants

This information may be hard to find, but you can try to learn more about your local takeout restaurant’s sustainable practices. Do they recycle? Do they use biodegradable materials for food packaging? Are the to go containers and bags made from plastic or paper? Are they purchasing quality organic ingredients? This may be out of your circle of control, but if you find a restaurant you love that is also committed to the planet, this gives you even more reason to support them. To make it easy, look for ‘Green Certified’ restaurants. This designation certifies that a restaurant is using environmentally sustainable products and services, such as composting wasted food, operating a recycling program, and eliminating disposable products.

7. Make an Easy Meal at Home

Find a few easy, healthy recipes you can easily throw together at home. Sometimes ordering takeout is my automatic response to busy days. But when I stop and think about it, it is often just as easy (or easier) to cook at home. Our go to easy meals are salmon (often cooked from frozen), stir fry using whatever we have left in our fridge, fried rice, rice bowls, and simple pastas.

You can also consider eating at the restaurant to cut back on takeout waste if you want to eat out. Less clean up! But often tricky with babies and sleep schedules.

How do you reduce waste when ordering takeout? Share in comments!

P.S. My favorite sustainable baby clothing brands and some sustainable gift ideas.

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8 sustainable ways to reduce takeout waste
8 sustainable ways to reduce takeout waste
8 sustainable ways to reduce takeout waste